The First Day!

So that was quite the eventful first day! It was a bit chaotic with over a hundred of us, but it shows us great potential. If we can channel that energy, who knows what our chapter can accomplish! After all, we have a whole year ahead of us, from leadership conferences to Junior Achievement trips to tech company job shadows to who knows what.


Some important key points from our first meeting:

  • Next meeting is Wednesday, October 14. We operate on a bi-monthly schedule.
  • For all members, dues must be handed in between October 5 and 9 during lunches, to either an Eboard member or Mr. Richter. Dues are $20 and include a t-shirt.
  • Everybody, but especially new members, must also fill out information on this Google Form
  • All competitive events are chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis. Emailing us is the preferred mode of contact. All competition dues are $5 and are due by October 31st.
  • Make sure to join our Facebook group and tag us at #fhsfbla on Instagram!