March of Dimes Information

The March of Dimes is coming in little more than a month, on May 1 at Johnson Park. We are pleased to announce that this year's Committee Heads are Arjun Shroff (for the Food Committee) and Earthh Patel (for Activities). We thank all of those who applied to be a Committee Head; we will have new opportunities come when we prepare for our end-of-the-year Banquet in June.


To participate in the March for Babies Walk we are requiring a minimum donation of $20 from all participating club members. The link to join our FHS FBLA team page is right here


(Side note: If you signed up last year on the March of Dimes page, you should select "Change Team" when signing in to your March of Dimes account; otherwise you will be registered with the old team under Meghana. After selecting "Change Team" when you sign in through the link above, enter "FHS FBLA". Then, join the page created by Inna to get officially registered with the team.)


We are also offering an incentive this year! (Besides the inherent incentive of helping babies, of course.) The member who raises the most amount of money for the March of Dimes will be receiving free admission into our Banquet in June for them, and for their family members (including any of those who are members of FBLA themselves).