End of the Year.

Well, that's all folks. The Banquet has concluded, we all had good food, and we shall go our separate ways. For some of us, the seniors, we will be going to college to carry what FBLA has taught for us. Maybe some of us will join PBL. For others, the underclassmen, they will carry the torch of FHS FBLA above and beyond.


Now, 31 of us will go to Nationals, where we will be the largest contingent from New Jersey. It's a tough responsibility to live up to. In the mean time, we shall see what's next, from our future Talent Shows to our future States and our future Car Washes. Perhaps something new will pop up from the minds of our talented members.


And of course, there's Mr. Richter, who through all these years has seen our club grow, expand, and reinvent itself through the long and hard years. Now that he's gone, and new advisers like Ms. Bah are coming, it is our job to navigate our club through this brave new world, into an undiscovered country of possibility and joy.


This is your webmaster from 2014 to 2016, Kelvin, signing out. Arnav, it's all yours.