T-Shirts are Here! (and JA Updates)

Important Announcement #1: T-SHIRTS ARE HERE!

Stop by during your lunches (only lunches) in the school store and pick it up from one of the E-Board members. If you cannot come tomorrow, some E-Board members will be present on Tuesday as well. If you are going on the JA Trip on Tuesday, you MUST have a T-Shirt and wear it. If you can't pick it up tomorrow and you are going on the trip, you can pick one up before the trip Tuesday morning and just change into it if you'd like.


Important Announcement #2: The JA Trip is on Tuesday and all those on the trip can report down to the events lobby around 8 AM. If you haven't came to pick up your bag, you can also stop by during your lunches tomorrow. Now, I know some of you don't have a bag yet and there were some issues of doubling up but we will sort everything out on Tuesday before the bus ride DON'T WORRY. Also, we will be doing a quick run down of how the day will go but basically IF YOU ARE ON THE LIST YOU WILL BE ON THE TRIP! If you have any questions, feel free to message Tapan.