Elections and Banquet

It's that time of the year again... Elections and the Banquet are coming up! On this post, you will see two Google Forms: FBLA 2017-2018 E-Board Interest Form and the FBLA Banquet Committee Head Form. Please note, due to constraints on time, there will be no Interest Meeting in person. Rather, we will gauge who is interested in running through this Google Form. FILL OUT THESE FORMS BY SUNDAY, APRIL 23RD, FOR YOUR BEST CHANCE TO BE CONSIDERED.


2017-2018 E-Board Interest Form


FBLA Banquet Committee Head Form


Please note, the Banquet is on May 17th. It's a bit earlier, I know. Thus, we will need everyone's utmost cooperation in making it work. Also, Elections will be on the same Wednesday, May 17th! If anyone has any questions, feel free to message us.